2025-03-10 02:37:48
张韶涵(Angela Zhang,1982年1月19日-),出生于中国台湾省桃园县,中国台湾女歌手、演员。
2001年,主演偶像剧《MVP情人》,正式进入娱乐圈;2003年,因主演偶像剧《海豚湾恋人》走红。2004年1月,发行首张专辑《Over The Rainbow》,同年12月发行第二张专辑《欧若拉》,入围第16届“金曲奖”最佳国语女演唱人;2005年出演首部电影《短信一月追》;2006年凭借《爱杀17》一饰两角入围金钟奖戏剧节目最佳女主角奖;同年推出专辑《潘朵拉》,主打歌《隐形的翅膀》受到广泛关注;2007年,登上央视春晚,同年凭借着《梦里花》夺得了新加坡金曲奖四项大奖;2008年,凭借《公主小妹》二度入围电视“金钟奖”戏剧节目最佳女主角奖;2016年7月21日发行个人第九张专辑《全面沦陷》。2018年12月30日,参加“万千歌耀欢乐岛”2019新年演唱会。2020年11月7日,参加的明星亲海探索综艺《完美的夏天》定档在东方卫视播出。2021年2月11日,参加2021年央视春节联欢晚会,演唱歌曲《明天会更好》。
Taiwan singer and actress Angela Chang
Angela Zhang (born January 19, 1982) is a Chinese singer and actress from Taiwan.
In 2001, she starred in the idol drama MVP Lover and officially entered the entertainment industry. In 2003, she became famous for starring in the idol drama "The Cove Love". In January 2004, she released her first album "Over The Rainbow". In December 2004, she released her second album "Aurora" and was nominated as The best female Mandarin singer in The 16th Golden Melody Award. In 2005, she starred in her first film, "SMS in January". In 2006, she was nominated for the Golden Bell Award for Best Actress in Drama Program by acting two roles in Love to Kill 17. In the same year, she released her album Pandora, with the title song Invisible Wings, which attracted wide attention. In 2007, she appeared on CCTV Spring Festival Gala and won four awards at Singapore Golden Melody Awards with her play "Flowers in a Dream". In 2008, she was nominated for Best Actress in Drama Program of Golden Bell Awards twice for her role in Little Princess. Her ninth album "Total Fall" was released on July 21, 2016. On December 30, 2018, she attended the 2019 New Year Concert of "Thousand Songs Glad Island". On November 7, 2020, the star exploration variety show "Perfect Summer" was scheduled to be broadcast on Dragon TV. February 11, 2021, participated in 2021 CCTV Spring Festival Gala, singing the song "Tomorrow will be better".
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