2024-11-29 15:27:09
带来科学界巨变的带头大哥-Charles Darwin⑧
Chapter 8 Charles Darwin’s revolution
第八章 达尔文带来的变革
Charles Darwin felt sure there would be a revolution in science. He was right—and he was the one who started it.
The Origin of Species threw England into an uproar. Almost everyone had something to say about it. Some people attacked Charles and his ideas. Others thought his theory had to be right, even if it turned their old beliefs upside down.
"My book has stirred up the mud," Charles wrote.
In June 1860 scientists gathered for a meeting in Oxford. Charles was having stomach problems and didn’t attend. Perhaps it was just as well. The meeting turned into a huge argument about The Origin of Species. But as time passed, most scientists began to accept this ideas in Charles’s book.
However, Charles hadn’t written much about humans in The Origin of Species. In 1869 Alfred Russel Wallace told Charles he didn’t think natural selection applied to human beings.
Charles disagreed. Once again, Wallace was the one who spurred Charles to act. Charles decided to write what he called his "Man-book." This book, The Descent of Man, was published in 1871. Although the book took Charles several years to write, it was really the result of his lifetime of work. And in some ways writing the book was the most difficult task of all.
Many people still felt the only way to explain the existence of human beings was through the Bible. In the Bible, Adam and Eve are created as the first humans, looking as people do today. Charles disagreed. He said human beings were part of the animal kingdom. Humans had evolved just like other species.
Many people were outraged. Charles was sometimes drawn in cartoons as a hairy monkey swinging from a tree labeled “the tree of life.” This became the symbol of evolution in people’s minds.
被嘲讽为猴子的达尔文(Darwin as monkey on La Petite Lune;图片来源:Wikimedia)
In later years, Charles suffered ill health, but he kept working. He studied orchids and insect-eating plants. He also wrote his autobiography, mostly for his grandchildren. By this time, Charles was quite famous. People wrote him letters all the time. More than fourteen thousand letters to or from Charles Darwin still exist.
食虫植物:猪笼草(common nepenthes;图片来源:cactusjungle.com)
Charles spent his last years surrounded by his family. He published his last book in 1881. It was about earthworms. Perhaps this surprised some people. After all, Charles had written about the origins of all living creatures. Then he'd turned to something as small as worms. But that was just like Charles Darwin. He was a true scientist, who observed the world carefully, asked questions constantly, and arrived at answers from what he saw. Filled with endless curiosity, he never stopped researching and experimenting. He knew it was possible to learn from even the smallest things in nature.
After this book, Charles slowed down. His health grew worse. He died on April 19, 1882, at age seventy-three, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. This is where the most important people in England are laid to rest.
Today Charles Darwin's ideas are considered a cornerstone of modern science. Darwin is just as important now as he was when he lived. And scientists have been able to fill in information for much of what he could only guess at. It's amazing that Charles Darwin got so much right. After all, he didn't have the tools scientists have today. He figured out that passing traits from one generation to another was key to understanding evolution. But he didn't know that creatures are made up of tiny building blocks called cells. Or that DNA molecules carry instructions that control everything from the shape of our eyes and the size of our feet to the color of our hair.
Scientists now accept the process of evolution a fact. Charles’s hunch is now a “Big-T Theory.” The evidence for evolution by natural selection is overwhelming. Even so, Darwin’s ideas are still controversial. Some people will not accept them.
Charles himself never tired of learning, asking questions, and looking at the world with an open mind. He was never afraid to ask, how? or why? Perhaps most importantly, he had a deep love of nature.
At the end of The Origin of Species, his love of the natural world shines through. Charles asks his readers to think how wonderful it is just to walk along a stream, listening to birds and watching insects.
All these endlessly beautiful forms of life, Charles Darwin wrote, evolved from the simplest beginnings. Could anything be more wonderful?
Wonderful nature(图片来源:Redbook)
声明:本文来源于Grosset & Dunlap出品的《Who Was》系列丛书,如有不妥,请联系作者立即删除。
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