2025-03-08 19:04:05
attune 英 [ə'tjuːn] 美 [ə'tʊn; ə'tjʊn] vt. 使协调;使合拍;为…调音;调合波长
考点1: vt.使协调,使和谐: to bring into harmony
■e.g. After years spent in academia, he found it difficult to attune himself to the corporate culture.在学术圈摸 爬滚打多年之后,他发现自己很难融入企业文化之中。
■同: accommodate, conciliate, conform, coordinate, key, reconcile
■反: disharmonize 使不和谐皆;disarray, disorder, disorganize, disrupt弄乱,打乱
■派: attunement n.调音,协调
ingrained 英 [ɪnˈɡreɪnd] 美 [ɪnˈɡreɪnd] adj. 根深蒂固的;彻头彻尾的;生染的 v. 使根深蒂固(ingrain的过去分词形式);生染;就原料染色
考点1: adj.本质的,根深蒂固的: forming a part of the essence or inmost being; firmly established
■e.g. ingrained prejudice against foreigners 对外国人根深蒂固的偏见
■同: constitutional, immanent, inborn, indigenous, inherent, innate, intrinsic
■反: adventitious 外来的,偶然的;extraneous, extrinsic非本质的,外在的
■派: ingrain 灌输,使根深蒂固
vigilant 英 [ˈvɪdʒɪlənt] 美 [ˈvɪdʒɪlənt] adj. 警惕的;警醒的;注意的;警戒的
考点1: adj.警醒的,警惕的: alertly watchful especially to avoid danger
■e.g. Police warned the public to be vigilant and report anything suspicious. 警方要求公众保持警惕,并上报 任何有嫌疑的人或事。When traveling through the city, tourists should be extra vigilant.在这个城市旅行的游客应该保持格外的警惕。
■同: alert, attentive, awake, cautious, observant, sharp, watchful
■反: careless, heedless, inattentive, unmindful, unthinking, unwary 不谨慎的
■派: vigilance n. 警惕
distraught 英 [dɪˈstrɔːt] 美 [dɪˈstrɔːt] adj. 发狂的;心烦意乱的
考点1: adj.精神狂乱的,极疯狂的: deeply agitated, as from emotional conflict; insane
■e.g. Her distraught mother had spent all night waiting by the phone她母亲忧心如焚,在电话旁守了一个晚上。
■同: agitated, delirious, distracted, frenzied, hysterical
■反: collected, composed, recollected, self-collected, self-composed, self-possessed 镇静的,平静的
outmoded 英 [ˌaʊtˈməʊdɪd] 美 [ˌaʊtˈmoʊdɪd] adj. 过时的,不流行的 v. 使不流行(outmode的过去分词)
考点1: adj.过时的,废弃的: no longer acceptable, current, or usable
■e.g. outmoded computers that can be recycled 可供回收的废旧电脑
■同: antiquated, archaic, demoded, fossilized, moribund, moth-eaten, obsolete, outworn, prehistoric , rusty
■反: contemporary, current, modern 现代的,当代的
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